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Date : 2003-08-22
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Digital Deflation ~ Digital Deflation The Productivity Revolution and How It Will Ignite The Economy Home Book Cover Major Messages Table of Contents Excerpt Latest News SIGN OUT Digital Deflation by Graham Tanaka The Productivity Revolution and How It Will IGNITE THE ECONOMY Order the Book at Amazon Order Your Copy of Digital Deflation
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Digital Deflation The Productivity Revolution and How It ~ Digital Deflationexamines this new economic environment from how we got here to where we are going Eyeopening yet solidly grounded it explains how low inflation and interest rates coupled with technologydriven productivity gains will create massive wealth in the coming decades and benefit stock market PE multiples over the long term
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Digital deflation the productivity revolution and how it ~ Get this from a library Digital deflation the productivity revolution and how it will ignite the economy Graham Y Tanaka Robert Shillers Irrational Exuberance contends that the stock market is a massive bubble In Digital Deflation Graham Tanaka takes Shiller to task flatly contradicting everything Shiller says
Digital Deflation The Productivity Revolution and How it ~ Unprecedented improvements in digital technologies and productivity have transformed the very foundations of our global economy rendering 20thcentury economic measurements insufficientand often stunningly inaccuratein tracking real economic growth
Digital Deflation by Graham Tanaka · OverDrive Rakuten ~ Digital Deflationexamines this new economic environment from how we got here to where we are going Eyeopening yet solidly grounded it explains how low inflation and interest rates coupled with technologydriven productivity gains will create massive wealth in the coming decades and benefit stock market PE multiples over the long term
BiosGraham Tanaka Capital Management ~ 2003 Author Digital Deflation The Productivity Revolution and How it Will Ignite the Economy 1998 to Present TANAKA Growth Fund President 1986 to Present Tanaka Capital Management President
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