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Date : 1999-08-13
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B24 Liberator Rugged But Right ~ His books include B24 Liberator Rugged but Right P47 Thunderbolt A26 Invader F4U Corsair and Douglas A1 Skyraider He has contributed to many aviation and general interest periodicals including Aviation Week and Space Technology FlyPast and the Seattle Times
B24 Liberator Rugged But Right Frederick A Johnsen ~ His books include B24 Liberator Rugged but Right P47 Thunderbolt A26 Invader F4U Corsair and Douglas A1 Skyraider He has contributed to many aviation and general interest periodicals including Aviation Week and Space Technology FlyPast and the Seattle Times
B24 Liberator Rugged but Right by Frederick A Johnsen ~ His books include B24 Liberator Rugged but Right P47 Thunderbolt A26 Invader F4U Corsair and Douglas A1 Skyraider He has contributed to many aviation and general interest periodicals including Aviation Week and Space Technology FlyPast and the Seattle Times
B24 LIBERATOR RUGGED BUT RIGHT by Frederick A Johnsen ~ His books include B24 Liberator Rugged but Right P47 Thunderbolt A26 Invader F4U Corsair and Douglas A1 Skyraider He has contributed to many aviation and general interest periodicals including Aviation Week and Space Technology FlyPast and the Seattle Times
B24H Liberator 4294953 RUGGED BUT RIGHT of the 448th ~ B24H Liberator 4294953 “RUGGED BUT RIGHT” of the 448th Bomb Group 712th Bomb Squadron 8th AF « Next photo B24 Liberator part 3 image 203 of 245 Previous photo » B24H 4294953 “RUGGED BUT RIGHT” of the 448th Bomb Group 712th Bomb Squadron 8th AF Published at 850 × 498 px
Consolidated B24 Liberator Rugged But Right Ford B ~ Rugged But Right Ford B24H20FO Liberator sn 4294953 715th BS 448th BG 8th AF Other assignments while with the 8th AF 851st BS 490th BG 859th BS 492nd BG 712th BS 448th BG 715th BS 448th BG Returned to ZOI at end of hostilities
B24 Liberator A B24 Liberator from the 715th Bomb ~ Yes this was a 448th plane 715th Squadron nicknamed Rugged But Right It had the head of a dragon painted on the front The pilot was Maurice O Mo Holmen a friend of mine who died only a few weeks ago Mr Holmens relatives have just put up a tribute video to him on YouTube in which you can see this B24 and its decorated nose up close
Consolidated B24 Liberator heavy bomber World War Photos ~ 38th Bomb Squadron 30th BG Aircrew Posed by Their B24 Liberator B24 Liberators of the 490th Bomb Group in flight 1944 B24 Liberator 74 – 13 November 1944 Burma Frederick A Johnsen – B24 Liberator Rugged But Right 1999 Mantelli – Brown – Kittel – Graf Consolidated B24 Liberator Aircraft of World War II
Color World War II B24 Nose Art Eighth Air Force ~ Some of the B24s like Rugged But Right carry thick armor glass in the cockpit as well The 486th Bomb Groups 834th Squadron famously adopted stylized signs of the zodiac for themed nose art
Consolidated B24 Liberator Wikipedia ~ The Consolidated B24 Liberator is an American heavy bomber designed by Consolidated Aircraft of San Diego was known within the company as the Model 32 and some initial production aircraft were laid down as export models designated as various LB30s in the Land Bomber design category
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